Puppy Setup Idea for Your Home
Opening up your entire home and yard to a puppy can be overwhelming - for both of you. Start slow and easy. The puppy will transition better with its own “safe place” for play and naps until potty-training sees more successes than not. Although Ever After has exposed your puppy to numerous stimuli, you should assume everything is new. For instance, with Ever After your puppy was allowed limited access outside of its play areas and on top of furniture (especially high furniture). In addition, your puppy was not collar and leash trained. Introduce your puppy to its new world with patience and positivity. Remember that your puppy wants so badly to please you. Also, avoid holding your puppy during its naps. Puppies require a lot of undisturbed sleep. That said, your puppy should continue crate-training with you by taking naps in a closed crate (with occasional daytime naps in its donut bed being fine). But, be ready to zoom your puppy outside for potty-time once it awakes from naps. The goal is for the crate to be the puppy’s safe and comfortable den, not a jail it’s trapped in for lengthy periods of time - especially if the puppy needs to go potty. Lastly, be fastidious; if the crate bedding gets soiled, change it out immediately. CAUTION: Puppies rip up and eat disposable pee pads. However, pee pads should not be necessary as you continue outdoor potty training.
Click on the pictures below and hover over the popup windows for additional information on “Operation Build a Bed.”
Although several of the above supplies are mentioned on the RESOURCES page, here are additional items you may click on for your shopping list considerations: